Prototyping with X-Microwave blocks works best when you have all of the required pieces of the design system.

Here is a short list of the essentials:

  1. Prototyping Plate (32 x 32 or 16 x 16)
    1. XM-PP2-3232-01 – brass prototyping plate (4.32″ x 4.32″) with legs and PI interface connector
    2. XM-PP2-1616-01 – brass prototyping plate (2.16″ x 2.16″) with legs and PI interface connector
  2. Probes (2.92mm or 1.85mm)
    1. XM-PB1-292F – 40 GHz RF X-MWprobe, 2.92mm connector
    2. XM-PB1-185F – 67 GHz RF X-MWprobe, 1.85mm connector
  3. Anchors
    1. XM-ANCHOR2 (2 required per junction)
    2. XM-ANCHOR2-A (2 required for each 3 port 0404 blocks)
    3. XM-ANCHOR2-AA (1 required for each 3 port 0404 blocks)
  4. Ground-Signal-Ground Jumpers – GSGJ (1 requred per junction)
    1. XM-GSGJ-01 (pack of 10)
  5. Screws
    1. XM-SHCS-172-125-01 1-72 0.125 inch length for Bias and Control Board | Bottom Side of Protoplate
    2. XM-SHCS-172-156-01 1-72 0.156 inch length for RF Board | Probe Lower Foot | Top Side of Protoplate
    3. XM-SHCS-172-187-01 1-72 0.187 inch length for Lid to Lid Interconnect
    4. XM-SHCS-172-250-01 1-72 0.25 inch length for Anchor | Pinbridge | Top Side of Protoplate
    5. XM-SHCS-172-375-01 1-72 0.375 inch length for Probe Tall Side | Short Wall Mounts | Top Side of Protoplate
    6. XM-SHCS-172-500-01 1-72 0.5 inch length for Wall Tall Side | Top Side of Protoplate
    7. XM-SHCS-172-625-01 1-72 0.625 inch length for Wall with Lid Installed | Top Side of Protoplate
  6. XMcontroller Touch Screen for PLLs, DSA,s and other programmable devices
    1. XM-RPK-01

Learn How The System Fits Together